Title: Clarity [Evil!Sammy Universe]
eboniorchidCharacters: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Word Count: ~ 3800 words.
Rating: NC-17 for violence, sexuality, and language.
Warnings/Spoilers: Violence! Angst! Dark! Future. Apocalypse. Dubious-con. Hurt/comfort. Kink/BDSM. M/s. Needle play. Blood. Cock and ball torture (CBT). Breath play. Rough body play. Service!kink. Sex toys (brief). Established relationship. Graphic m/m sex. Smut. Character study. Plot. Wincest. Slash. AU after "Simon Said" (S2.E5).
Summary: Dean thought that his captivity and use were punishment for something Sam wouldn't name, but now ... is it punishment or is it sacrifice?
Author's Notes: This story stands alone, but acts as a good (re-)entry point for the 'verse. It also serves as a prologue for the upcoming "Going Down." More ESU on the way! // For more info about my
Evil!Sammy Universe, including links to all installments, please
go here. [Will eventually be mirrored on/revised for AO3.]
Shut the door.
Crack it open.
Swing it wide.
Keep both eyes open.