(no subject)

Oct 21, 2010 14:50

So I'm thinking... Black Forest Gateau cupcakes?  I'd love to try them!  Might give that a go soon-ish.  Second batch of sticky toffee pudding cupcakes turned out really well, when I threw out recipes and experimented.  Before any other shiny new things, though, I've got to make; some form of diabetic dessert, for my aunt, and CJs birthday cupcakes - new plan is for brain and 'graveyard' ones, because I really really wanna try to make the graveyard ones! :)

Savoury food is not turning out so well - although I made toutiere pie on wednesday which was ok, though the pastry was VERY thin and flaky.  I hate pastry.  And savoury food.  But I'm trying to learn a little more, to try and take some of the effort off mum and dad.  Next week and the week after, however, may not be an option because I have training for my sessional work in the library - wonderful, but time consuming!  And I don't think the 'rents will want to wait for their dinner so unless I make things the night before for the following day...?  We'll see.

For savouries, anyway, it's back to basics, as I figure maybe that's the problem, jumping in too fast.  So I'm making some basic (but hearty and wintery) meals like today; shepherds pie.  We'll see how it turns out...

I miss baking already <3

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