Well anyways. I like long titles. Felt like it. Don't know how much it will screw, but whatef. Whatef or Whatev: Whatever. (Me trying to start a trend and being lazy)
- Pentacom.jp - Gorgeus Bits and pieces such as a sticky note program, a diary program, cursors, icons, and everything else you never thought of. Kawaiiness. Be warned: Quite a bit of it's in Japanese. Half of it's not, so it's fairly ease to figure out what you want.
- Craftster.org - Totally amazing bits o' craft by regular people. Some very inspiring works in the features section.
- GirsArePretty.com - A blog that updates everyday with quirky little explanations about random situations the reader may get into.
- Liberta - Gorgeus site with an awesome layout, with heaps of content such as her opinions on web trends to brushes to layouts to tutorials to web reviews etc. Loved by me.
Yay! Just waisted 'nother post. Anyways, I'm going to see Pirates of the Carribean 2 today in about an hour and I'm not even out of my bed! Should really get up shouldn't I? :)