Here are some pictures I took with my phone...
Traci and Tiller
Traci and Me
Steph cheesein!
Me, Traci, and Tiller
My little baby cousin Ashley...
My other little baby cousin Allison
This one was back in Volleyball season...Steph and Whitney at Sectionals
Uhhh...well I've had these pictures for ever now, and I just thought I'd put them up while I had a chance. This is when the basketball team stayed in a hotel over night. So here you gooooooo....
Tiller, me, and Santana...the new Charlie's Angels
Me and Tiller wrestelin
Me and Tiller gettin caught knockin on Carson's door...
Whitney's mom
Santana layin down, Tiller pickin out a wedgie, and me with my amazing pillow...
Tiller, me, and Santana tryin to get some sleep...not
Santana, Tiller, and me...we voguin...(SP?)
Santana's back, Tiller and me...hey ya!
Me and Tiller...oh yeah great pic!
Yet another great one of me and Tiller...
Playing Run and Hide...Tiller ran while I hid...
Tiller squashin me!
Tiller squashin me again
Santana just chillaxin
Tiller runnin to the door
Samantha and Heather just gettin up...