Aug 25, 2005 20:27
im tired, mad and hot. then to add to anything i want to get out soooooo bad.. only a week left and then i dont have to be in my paretns house well not until i have to come back for break but that is a looong way away. if i dont get this internship up in Sacramento i am going to stay in redlands next summer it is just to hard comming back here and living with them, i cant take their stupidity and the bull shit. i know i will miss my friends more than anything well maybe my cat, which i wish i could bring up with me (i really dont think that my rents will get her in the house in time and they will leave her out and she will get eaten my the cayotes around here).
i have so much that i need to do that i dont want to do.. and there isnt really anything that i want to work for, i just feel like i want to cut off everyone for down here and start something new and well i say it all the time, same bull shit, as always,
fuck it im going back ot packing.