Work with a message board long enough, and you tend to see a pattern --- person A starts thread about problems with X (this may be a service or a product that person A is genuinely having problems with) and then you see person B replies with something that goes like, "oh that's so bad why not try Y-product, followed by person B's contact info and an assurance that a helping hand is just around the corner." Or --- person B starts with a faux testimonial about Y-product and before you know it, boom(!) --- contact details on how to avail of Y-product.
It's not that I have problems with getting namedrops every so often --- and they do help sometimes --- but dammit, where's the subtlety? Where's the feeling that someone sincerely wants to help me, and not sell stuff to me? Gad. That's just pimping in the digital age.
If these are the trends for the new age, then I vote we skip on it --- try to get with the inner hermit and live in a wooden cabin away from every person B out there. Next thing you know, we get product placement in dreams! (a la Transmetropolitan)
Res ipsa loquitur. If product B's any good, it'll sell like gas at a gasoline station --- forcefeeding tends to make people vomit anyway.
(P.S. In the following paragraphs, I'll be mentioning media that I really do like.)
Lily Allen makes me giddy. (ahihi) In between the clever lyrics and the cute british accent, it's hard not to acknowledge that she's also easy on the eyes.
So I listen to Lily, Chan Marshall and The Pipettes sing about boys who'll never be me, while I go giddy over them. (ahihi)
I've been playing Defcon (and have been finding that the unscalable AI goes strategic medieval on my ass most of the time) and what it shows is that the Philippines is no nuclear terror.
To note, according to every simulation, if there ever will be a World War III, we're all safe here.
Been inhaling mostly Transformers news these days, thanks to the fact that, like Spidey, we're getting a taste a couple of days before the US does. And aside from Megan Fox's participation, (Carla Santini, yeh!) I find that I have low expectations for the movie.
I've been pretty vocal about my complaints at the over-complexity of the 'bots now, but what the hell---- check out this photo.
Didn't a certain superhero have a similar pose in a poster? And did the fans take in his movie with open arms? (Clue: His name starts with S, and rhymes with 'pider-Man') What's Optimus supposed to be doing? --- flexing???! (It really just looks awkward, and leaves many fans questioning: TRUKK NOT MUNKY?)
I mentioned the band Los Chupacabras in my last post, and I took the liberty of compiling these youtube videos: (PS. They don't have the 'satan' song, or the 'vibrator na saging' song uploaded.)