
Mar 20, 2006 19:57

It's the first day of spring! Too bad it still looks like shit outside. It's kind of depressing. It's still really cold where I am currently (the ass end of New Jersey) and the trees are still skeletal and creepy. I wish I was in Tahiti or someplace nice and warm and coconutty.

Yeah, okay, beside the point. Not much interesting happening right now but homework and physics and deep, mind-crushing, school-induced boredom. I did manage to pick up an e-stalker on AIM. Fun times. But it's getting kind of weird. He knows my address and everything. Whatever.

Oh yeah, and I'm in love with Jake Gyllenhaal. He's so cute.

Don't have much time for a longer update because it's Monday and my cruel, cruel homework is beckoning in its evil, Satanic way. I will be assimilated. Buh.
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