protest chants are funny. ahaha fuck you corporate media.
two local news stations use same AP report about today's anti-war protest.
are we:
"Students Rally To Mark Iraq War's Anniversary"
"Protestors disrupt traffic at 'U'"
and: biased, didn't show the massive police presence, though. damn. and the dumb wanna-be-navy kid they interviewed?
i guess were also just 'inconveniencing people and holding things up' and we should be talking to our 'elected representatives because that's the only way to get our opinion heard.'
fuck your elected representatives, they obviously haven't been listening. too bad they didnt show the part when we chanted "what the hell is congress for? cut the funding, end the war." someone tell Toddy McWhiteHat to suck norm coleman's cock some more.
maybe the next step is a similar protest in their offices? somehow, i dont think that would be allowed.
for the record, there were way more than 200 marching. try 400. also, note the lack of mentioning that there were at least 100 police (to about 200 protesters who continued to the recruitment station). ive been at this protest every year since the war started, and i have never seen nearly as many cops as there were today. a few on horses, a ton of bikes riding along with the protest (i daresay as many or more as on our critical mass rides), Black SUVs, a helicopter, and more than enough cop cars to drag off the 12 kids that they arrested, but not quite enough for all of us. there will always be too many of us. one cop was even taping the whole thing and perhaps making sure to get as many faces as possible? training videos for the coming months? hard to say. sketchy either way. I asked her why she was taping, and she said 'so we can watch it later?' like she wasnt sure what to say. i asked her if i could watch it, as a taxpayer who paid for it, and she said 'i dont know.' i thought to myself, 'boy im glad youre the one in charge here.' freedom of information act anyone? damn, wish i knew a lawyer.
before the marchers surrounded the building the kids were getting arrested in, i had managed to get in it (looking for a bathroom lol). when i came out, they had the stairs and all doors blocked and i tried to go out the door to where the crowd was and the cops started flipping and wouldnt let me out. so i stood there and they were like 'we cant have you standing behind us, leave out the back door now.' thought i was getting arrested for a minute there.
Welcome to the United Police States of America."You pick your battles," says University Police Chief.
They're getting ready for September.
are you? do it.