Always eat a well balanced meal before attempting any type of rocking out.

Oct 30, 2006 15:00

For no good reason I went to a GWAR concert last night with a few friends.  This tour's stage show is apparently an epic theatrical production of their latest concept album that is described on their website as…

"[Beyond Hell] concerns GWAR’s epic journey into the tunnels and caverns that honeycomb your world, a journey not only to escape their earthly prison “from within”, but also to find and confront this so-called “Satan”, who seems to think that he is a bigger bad ass than Oderus. Along the way GWAR encounter’s a bevy of demonic dickheads and hapless victims, all ready to die for your entertainment because they're all a bunch of assholes"

So yeah, it was basically as awesome as it sounds.

Edit:  Oh, and speaking of rock, I just got word that the new Guitar Hero game is going include a song from METALOCALYPSE on Adult Swim and also… TROOGDOOR!!  I'm so freaking excited.

Edit 2: And as a nice closer,
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