Okay tecchies. I am thinking ahead to "vacation", when I will still need to be able to do the occaisional paper....or more. IF... and it is a BIG "if".......IF I were to invest in a laptop, what is the minimum size speed need WHATEVER I would have to be able to do massive reserach downloads (but no music or games)? I'm thinking cheap cheap or even
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Any laptop with 64 megs of video ram will be fine the average default these days is 128 so your fine.
Now way back when the higher the HZ the faster the machine would be. This is not true any longer. You can get away with 1.5 ghz to a 2 ghz without an issue. The money is going to be in the amount of memory (ram and hard disk). You can survive with 512 mb of ram for the applications you will be running. A full gig of Ram would be nice. Now as for hard disk a 80 Gig Hard Drive should be the min you are looking for. It is surprising how quick a 60 gig can fill up. If you can afford it I would go higher on the hard drive and the memory.
Now at Dell they have some decent deals and from the experience I have had with them I would use them for a laptop. This is my own opinion.
Below is a link to Dell�s home & office laptop.
The reason why I like Dell is their customer service and their warranties.
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