Apr 30, 2001 15:20
I sit and look at my happy blank page, and wonder if I should bother to mar its tranquil perfection with whatever ramblings my mind would come up with.
Of course, then I think to myself that boy that sounds depressed, and I'm not really a depressed person. It also makes me wonder what sort of strange people out there would find my little journal in order to read it. Since I'm feeling nice and psychotic today, I think I'll actually part the curtains a bit, and let you meet the... Moogle.
First of all, I am insane. I know this, because insanity is defined relative to society, and we no longer live in a world that conforms to any norms. Therefore, we are all insane. Some however are more comfortable in admitting this than others. But don't worry, I'm a happy, friendly insane person. Remember, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem ;)
I suppose we could start with history, but I've never agreed with the learn from the past lest we be doomed to repeat it. Too many people that preach this spend their time droning over the past as opposed to taking care in the present, or looking forwards to the future. So I won't go there.
If you're still reading this, you probably have figured out that I like to write long rambling entries. So, get used to it or stop reading! ;)
Anyway, I'm currently a student in a University in Iowa. Ending up my 4th year, looking forward to a few more. But I'm okay with that, who wants to graduate anyway? I was thinking about changing my major to English-Creative Writing / Psychology and specializing in Psychoanalysis of Fantasy Characters. Sounds cool to me at least :)
Hmm, basically I created this account just so I could torment a few friends out there -- you know who you are -- but I figured that the thousands of people that hit this journal would like to have some idea as to what it takes to become an Evil Moogle. It all started back in 1873, I was -106 at the time and was just starting to put my plan for world domination into action. To my dismay, I found that I had to actually be alive to conquer the world. And that brings us to today.
So I'm going to use this page as a front for a little light philosophy, and perhaps some mind altering subliminal messages, and of course, to go out and show the world what an Evil Moogle is capable of!