Jan 24, 2011 15:57
So, picked up The Four Hour Body by Timothy Ferris, and am testing out a sequence for increasing muscle and burning fat. So far the biggest challenge is the increase in caloric intake. I normally eat just under 1600 calories, and I'm supposed to bump that up to 3500. There's a simple supplement regimen that I take daily, and there's a set of exercises to do at the gym. The time spent at the gym for each given set is only a little over half an hour, and you start increasing rest time between your workout sets so I'll only be going to the gym once every 4 days.
Starting weight: 157 lbs
Starting body fat: 23%
I've been wanting to workout more and convert some of the extra fat I've gained into muscle. This workout regimen seems simple enough and effective. I'll try and post updates about it every few days to track my progress.