Mar 10, 2012 16:15
Went to see The Avengers trailer John Carter today. I liked it very much. More than I thought I would.
I've never read any of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books. We saw the trailer for the movie at New Year's, and my aunt got very excited then, because she is a big fan. She told me about them, and I made a mental note that this was a movie I wanted to see.
The official reviews have been pretty harsh, for the most part, but I really liked it. Mostly I guess because it never pretended to be anything other than what it was -- a sci-fi adventure tale featuring a brooding hero with a tortured past. For me it doesn't get much better than that.
Were there things that could have been done better? Absolutely. I felt we got shortchanged on the Tharks and their culture, and how the races all got along (or didn't). Also the history lesson at the beginning felt rushed, and again I felt there was so much more that could have been learned. I didn't particularly care for Taylor Kitsch at John Carter himself. Yes, I'm shallow enough to admit that if there had been an actor in the role whom I found attractive, I probably would have like it more. (Don't look at me like that. There's nothing wrong with paddling around in the shallow end.)
But overall I enjoyed it, and I can recommend it.