(no subject)

Apr 21, 2009 23:13

Evil Hell0Rabbit: boobiwa
hell0rabbit: so man
hell0rabbit: the other day
hell0rabbit: i was going to get a taco
Evil Hell0Rabbit: o man i love tacos
Evil Hell0Rabbit: but go on
hell0rabbit: okay
hell0rabbit: well, i was going to get a taco
hell0rabbit: and i totally dropped my keys
Evil Hell0Rabbit: your keys o no what did you do
hell0rabbit: i picked them up
hell0rabbit: and then i started walking
hell0rabbit: and i walked into the taco shop
hell0rabbit: you will never guess who was there
hell0rabbit: jacob
Evil Hell0Rabbit: batman
Evil Hell0Rabbit: oi wouldnt have guessed that
hell0rabbit: i know
hell0rabbit: that's why i told you first
hell0rabbit: any way
hell0rabbit: he got up and was like
hell0rabbit: "OMG UR HERE"
hell0rabbit: and i was like "I know!"
hell0rabbit: and then I got my tacos
hell0rabbit: HEY
hell0rabbit: do you like teletubbies.
Evil Hell0Rabbit: i love teltubies
hell0rabbit: sweet what's your favorite teletubbie?
hell0rabbit: i like the bird
Evil Hell0Rabbit: i was going to say the same thign but i wasnt sure if there was a bird
hell0rabbit: there isn't.
hell0rabbit: ...
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