Aug 21, 2010 22:56
I'm starved for physical contact.
Tonight, K and I were on our way to a play when we ran into this girl who I'd met weeks ago. She was with a group of friends. We invited them to come along.
At the play, I sat next to her guy friend. He was sort of cute. Cute in the way where I imagine that if you got drunk and people looked cuter to you when you were drunk, then he'd be really hot. In normal life, he isn't bad looking, but I ain't writing home, either. He looks like he can grow a good beard. you know how I like that. Anyway. he was mildly entertaining, but after not so long, came off as kind of rigid and self centered. I also gathered that he most likely drinks a lot.
Now that I've levied all of this judgment onto this random dude, I've got to say -- while it was a good play and I really enjoyed it, the thing that was probably the most exciting for me was when our legs and elbows touched. I liked casually brushing against him and the way that neither of us moved away. We definitely could've avoided touching, and we didn't. and I liked it.
I liked it a disturbing lot.
It reminded me of how when T was here and due to circumstances, we slept in the same bed, it thrilled the shit out of me when our feet touched.
Clearly, I need a cuddle.
That's all.