Into the night I wander/ It's the morning that I dread :) (backdated)

May 20, 2001 20:30

EMako looks up from the pot she’s scrubbing to glare first at the clock, then at the smouldering remains of a fry pan sitting on the range.

EMako: *Mutter grumble* never again *mutter* teaching Rei-chan *grumble mutter* learn to cook all on her *mutter grumble mutter* own *grumble grumble* Aoshi *mutter* five minutes *grumble mutter mutter*

A thud comes from off to the side. Looking you can see ER, bound to the computer chair and gagged in the living room.

ER: *assorted muffled sounds that could be either something like “Let me go!” or maybe “How do you get to Sesame Street?” but the duct tape makes it too hard to make out. *

EMako: No, I’m not still mad at you, Rei-chan. But you were getting underfoot. Aoshi will be here any minute. I need to get this cleaned up.

ER: *more muffled mutterings. These have a decidedly lewd cast to them, though*

EMako: -No-, Rei, we are going to -study-. We have a paper on Lovecraft due tomorrow we need to get done. *A pause* We’re not like you and Daichi.

ER: *muffled*

EMako: *Laughs* Right. Whatever you say, love.

EMako finishes the pot and turns to the pan, with little success. The doorbell rings

EMako: *engrossed in trying to clean the pan.* Rei-chan, could you get tha--oh, right. Nemmind. *giggle*

ER renews her struggle to get free, but only ends up tipping herself over. EMako just shakes her head as she wipes the soapsuds from her hands and lets Aoshi in.

EMako: Konban’wa! Come on in.

She kisses his cheek and takes his duster.

EMako: Just ignore Rei-chan.

Aoshi looks at ER, then at the pan. He raises an eyebrow inquiringly.

EMako: I was trying to teach Rei-chan to cook.

Aoshi: Ah. *He rights ER and sits on the couch.* Good evening ER. How are you doing?

ER rocks in her chair.

Aoshi: A bit tied up at the moment, huh?

Aoshi chuckles and settles back into the couch with a notebook. EMako goes back to the fry pan. ER rocks a bit more violently.


EMako: Rei-chan, you know our powers don’t work unless our hands are free. Now, behave for just a bit longer, and I’ll free you.

EMako looks back at the pan, then suddenly pitches it into the wastebasket. She sits next to Aoshi, a tad closer than really necessary.

EMako: Now, how much do we have left. . .
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