(no subject)

Apr 19, 2010 13:48


Envy is not the easiest character to play! Anon is on, comments are screened, and IP logging is off, please please please help me in any way you can if you notice something is off with me, I'll do my best to fix any problems! This also doubles as a plotting post! Hit me up here if you want to do some plotting with me-- Envy's, erm, easy for that sort of thing if you want some more chaos in your character's life. (Naturally, I'll unscreen those comments.) You can also go the PM route if that pleases you!

As an added bonus, here is a plethora of OOC information at your disposal about my crazy palmtree.

Application and contact info, HERE.

Fourth oldest of the homunculi (150-200 years old).
Whatever he wants it to be!

-Usual appearance?

Note; Since he's manga-verse, hair is not actually green, it's black.

-Threadhopping with this character - yes, no, or what?:
Yes, yes, yes! Feel free! Unless the thread is marked private, of course, but that is a given.

-Hugging this character?:
I'm... I'm not sure if Envy is capable of doing things that warrant hugs. But feel free...?! Just keep in mind he might throw your character against a wall or something.

-Giving this character a kiss?:

* - Same as hug policy. :(

-Punching this character (provided they are given an opportunity to fight back):
Yes please, he will most likely earn it.

-Is there anything YOU DO NOT WANT MENTIONED near this character?:
Go wild!

-Is there anything you need us to KNOW about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:
Already mentioned this in his application, buuut-- Envy is an extremely competent shapeshifter. He can change form and voice to fool people for his means, usually involving killing and the like. He does, however, have a very nasty form that is huge, and the only thing he can't conceal from that is his mass-- he's extremely heavy and bound to put dents in things.

As for that giant form, this is it, but I don't think he'll be using it that often here. For ... obvious reasons.


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