Nov 28, 2004 22:36
morana - death
dante - enduring, maybe main character
maybe old gabe for prophetic crazy old man, bum outside
aedina -steph
BK character
love triangle between main, melissa, ( the pyscho bitch) aidena ( obsession) lindsey/alison ( good girl)
1. salvation
2. sacrifice
a. i need to write this
1. phone conversation, suicide of main character
2. swimming out to save blue stag, turns out to be himself, smiles and lets him drown
3. the books begins with The first thing i remember was the screaming the last thing i remember was the silence..
the other kids drank to jason, some smoked it up, but I just cried. you can call me a mopey bitch, but fuck, the kid was dead. It hurt.
4. talk with melissa, decide to go to a festival show friday, band is called “Brace yourself Bridget”, they run off for three days
persian porcelain sex - have sex with three headed ( melissa, aidena and someone wearing a mask, each head wears a mask...gets engulged by vag, fuckin inside a porcelain sheet
the beautiful drowning
chess with god
being chased by demons
the scream not found
dead disco ( david bowie the disco king)
rats and cocaroaches
BK character flicks someone off, or royally pisses them off somehow, big guy, main character disses him too
lindsey/alison and main character are alone togther, big guy finds him and beats the shit out of him, lindsey/alsion stabs him and kills him, main character kills big guy’s friend.