So last summer Atom and I went to the fair.
AT the fair we got a little sloshed and had a TOTAL blast. We played all the silly games and rode all the rides. One of those silly little games won us a couple of goldfish. I kept the goldfish, bought them a nice fishie jar with blue rocks and a skull for the inside. They were my first fish since I was a little kid so I was kinda excited to have some new pets.
Slowly my obsession grew and I went to buy more goldfish. I quickly realized that several goldfish in an unfiltered fishbowl was yucky and high maintenence. So I got myself a nice sized fishtank with a light and a filter and the works.
Now I have several different kinds of fish in there and I am just LOVING it!
But I am quickly noticing that with the more room the fishies have the more they poop and it stays attached to their butts in a long strand like so:
Is this normal? Or am I feeding them too much?
Either way I think it's HILARIOUS! The longest poop I have measured yet has been approximately 7 inches.
:: Here we are posing with MOO-MOO. She was such a photogenic cow ::
:: We don't look too thrilled on the spinny ride...
maybe it was because of those margaritas ::
:: Then we were smooching in the grandstands watching the fireworks show ::
:: Margaritas make heights way too much fun ::
:: Atom had never been on one of those cheesy carnival trailers ::
All in all we had a ton of fun. My favorite was the merry-go-round.
I love how even the lamest of things is ten bajillion times more fun when you are doing it with the person you love.