Once again sitting up until silly o'clock using other peoples internet connections. At friends house who is working on an amazing album varying
from prog to folk. It is brilliant!! Honestly think pink floyd status. And cat(and lolly)have both done some beautiful vocals! He is also writing a terry pratchett style book which I must say left me in hysterics!
Also have met eccentric artist fellow who specialised in goth/digital art who is going to do me an adorable goth male picture, due to my increasing frustration as even though cute goth women are okay, it would be nice
to see an adorable male now on again...a friend of a friend can get me a picture of peter steel naked. :-P
Also got hint about the "France" thing...
My psychic senses have been stinging and are becoming more stronger,
there's been some strange recent events.
Still annoyed fighting for council place, had 5yrs waiting on the list, changed address now they say I only have one year waiting and to only bid for one bedroom flats! I need a two bedroom for me and my son, as well as somewhere where the local neighbours don't enjoy playing with drugs and guns all the time. Apparently despite being off work with depression (because of ongoing custody battle and housing troubles) I'm not priority or vunerable.
So its PERFECTLY SAFE apparently to put the only token white western woman in a very rough and racist area on her own in a ground floor flat. Bloody marvellous...Been seriously chain smoking.
Have started the gym though! Was great until on the third day all my limbs felt like jelly. It was meant to be making my muscles stronger. I could hardly walk for about two days. Tried sorting my housework, the carpet is like fuzzy felt. Everything sticks to it! And the bed is the equivalent of a rock! I miss my double bed!
Also need earplugs for the teenagers who play rave/damn pop sh*te until silly o'clock nearly every damn night despite me complaining over three times. Someone also burnt out the local bin for a laugh. Bloody great. Got revenge on the neighbhours though, returned the favour of having people round, they weren't keen on really heavy stuff played passed 3.30am. Mwah!
Still meeting lots of intresting people and some interesting insights
and my spider senses feel to be tingling more often...I've met a collection of mages, artists and musicians in the last week.
Its been a strange year! See Vlad tomorrow! YAY!
PS. Halloween plans yet anyone???
This was the picci my pal showed me...MMM. Tasty.