Jewel Auction Can Blow Itself in Poupée Hell!

Oct 25, 2010 11:36

You know what I hate about Poupée Girl?  The jewel auction!!!! D<  I hate it when everytime that I'm bidding for an item on the last minute, someone with fast Internet bids higher and ultimately wins at the last second.  No fair! ;___; (perpetual overdramatic sad face)  It's like if Poupée Girl hates me or something like that.  Btw, I was bidding for the blue/green ethnic veil, earrings, stole, and top which can be seen here.  I only have the ethnic blue/green skirt, purple top, purple stole, purple shoes, green/blue shoes, and the red necklace.  I want the entire ethnic set, which was my main purpose of buing those damn jewels! D:

So far, my uni life has been good but very busy at the same time.  i barely have time for anything or anyone anymore.  Accounting is the class that sucks the most life and energy out me.  Remember all that talk about me loving accounting and wanting to major in it?  NOT ANYMORE DAMMIT, NOT ANYMORE!!!  The sad thing is that this is only the beginning.  Apparently it gets better when they get to manegement accounting, but all I can say is that financial accounting is way too tedious.  So tedious that it's terrible, especially the financial statement and cash flows.  I don't even want to start with the adjusted balance.  My favorite classes right now are the music, human relations, and trade law class.

I  ordered two things from CD Japan after almost a year of not ordering from them.  There was a time in which I wanted to order a beautiful rose black and white Moitie dress, but it got sold out before I even had a chance to get it.  Well, even though I didn't order clothes (my closet got full this year) I did order this and this bada$$sery.  I wasn't sure whether to order a Jack Skellington figure, but I've seen better items from Nightmare Before Christmas.  I was close of ordering the new Moi dix Mois CD, but I cancelled that at last minute because I needed the money for something else, like stupid last minute professional business clothes.

Apparently I lacked a proper business black pant and white blouses for some stupid department assembly last Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  WTF FAE and ADSO?!  Not cool!  I had to go by obligation because I haven't been to any asemblies since my freshman year.  lol  Anyways, I felt like a complete outcast in that assembly while all the sheep dressed in white shirts and black pants were congregating with each other like the herd that they were.  Ugh, the guy that sat next to me really didn't wanted to be around either and he showed it.  he even ragged his girlfriend to be with him, and grabbed the perfect opportunity to later sit far back with her but stayed for courtesy of the old man that was giving a cool conference.  At least the conference was cool, but everything else sucked major big time.  I really wanted to get over with it and go home becaue my sisters were home alone and I rarely stay at uni during the night unless if it was leaving from a test.  I called a friend of mine and he picked me up from the nearby train station at uni.  Then I went to Maggie Moo's and bought some icecream for my me and my sisters, and then went home.  My sisters and pets were alright.

Well, I'm going to Subway or Quiznos to eat something because I'm starving here at the computer lab.  Oh, speaking of balance sheets, some guy is talking about that crap on the phone, baaaaaahhhh!  If there are way too many grammar mistakes in this post, please forgive me.  My hands are freezing, this keyboard is quite hard, and I'm typing really fast. :/

random, cd japan, life, games, university

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