I've become less enchanted with my livejournal as of late. I used to see a point to using this thing because I saw it as a great way to both read up on how friends are doing and dump some of my thoughts (which usually was about games). The only real reason I check it is to see what Ashley is going to say, but I basically know in advance... so I really just don't see the point in this.
To be honest, I just don't give a crap about this anymore. I've moved on, grown up, and now feel like I want to bury this thing... but I won't, simply out of respect. LiveJournal is a good service, especially for something that is free, but it lacks something.
I've been using Wordpress for about a month and love it so much more. Setting one up isn't too much of a bugbear, and now i've got to knowledge on how to do it effectively.
This is basically my website/point of interest -
http://crits.org Now that is out the way, let me get something off my chest.
Mikey, the reason I stopped developing WASD is because I had a massive change in heart with the whole project... and I feel pretty bad for leaving no closure on the subject about it. However, crits.org is going to basically do what WASD was going to do. I can explain a bit more throughly over email if you like, but I think it's better to build on crits.org since I was basically doing the same thing with it.