May 18, 2004 22:46
today was so kool =] i seen my baby again... it was me danielle and britney. we went to brians. at brians it was brian yeng and jamie.. like usual lol.. aww brian gave me 3 stuff animals.. the pengwin carebare the sleepy carebare and a easter bunny... for easter... haha i loved them all =]
well they decided they wanted to play basketball. so me brit bri dex and wang took wangs car... then danielle and jamie took jamies truck. wang was kinda speedin so we lost james and danielle lol but then they finally caught up..
we got to west warwick high me brit and danielle played on the swings =] fun fun we watched the guys play basketball brians n all his little possi lol.
then this stupid little kid kept comming up to us and like calling us "ugly dorks" yea i kno im ugly and a dork wut! lol i hate little 9 year olds...he kept stalking us then me and him were playin basketball across from brian and his frineds... and the kid calls me a ugly... so i was like BRIAN!!! HE JUST CALLED ME UGLY!!! lol i have issues...
well eventually we got sick of just watching brian play ball so we left and walked back to brians. got stalked by 10 diff cars.. but its all good.. we surived...we waited there then finally they all came back... we went into brians and he appologized for not comming after me wen i left =/ its okay i still love him hehe
me and brian had some quality time alone together 2night =] hehe
well im off night night!!