(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 23:01

So I went and bought a new camera today because mine broke a few months ago and my coupon for Best Buy was about to be expired. Anyways I bought the Sony Cybershot T200. It's an awesome camera so far and it looks so pretty =)

                           Front                       (Not the actual size of course)                  Back

The reason why there's no buttons on the back is because it's a touch screen. It's an 8 mega pixel which means along with your smile it'll capture all the pimples and pores on your face muhahahahha. Here are some of the pictures I've taken so far. Don't worry I resized them so it won't take forever to load:


         Andrew                                                                                                                         Thanh


Ryan and Andrew                                                                                         Kanh (Thanh's cousin).  His dad yelled at him so he's pretending to 
                                                                                                                                              be shy and embarassed


                   Me being silly as usual. You can see my new hair color. It's really RED!!!!!!!!!!


                  Before                                                                                                                                   After

So one of the cool features of my camera is that you can draw on the pictures after you take them right on the camera. And as you can see the before and after of my "artistic" talents.

Oh yeah I also saw "Balls of Fury" with the boys today. It was really funny. I laughed the whole time. But it's the stupid humor similar to that of Dodge Ball and Zoolander, which are some of my favorite movies ever. What can I say, I laugh when people do stupid things. After the movies we all went to Thanh's parents' house bc they were grilling out and his mom is a really good cook. We had grileld pork chops and chicken breasts...yummo as Rachel Ray would say. I haven't had a home cooked meal in a long time.

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