May 15, 2005 17:31

I forgot to mention this show. I watched it last night on [as], and it kicks major ass. It's right up there with Bleach, so all of you better check it out now.

^That's a screencap I found. It's Mugen. I'm not sure what ep it's from (there are 26, I think).

Anyway, not only is the show funny as hell, it's got awesome action (maybe a bit too much blood though, for reasons of logic). The three main characters, as far as I know, are Fuu (chick who has no family, and the restaurant that she worked at got burned down), Jin [pronounced "Jean"] (kickass guy, reminds me of Ishida, but way more serious), and Mugen (also very kickass, voice of Spike, very destructive). Mugen is my favorite xD~~ Both Jin and Mugen love to fight, and they're at with eachother as soon as they see one another. Juu wants them both to help her find some Samurai who smells like sunflowers (the fuck?), since she helped them escape from a silly little beheading they were supposed to be involved in.

You'd have to see it to get the full effect though. So everyone! If you can, watch it on Saturday nights. It's taken the spot of FMA for now. That's okay with me ^_^

You can comment and ask if you want to see screencaps or images of Fuu, Jin, or Mugen xD~~

This show is so awesome. Maybe I can get Chamberlain to download it? Well, if he burned it, it wouldn't matter since my computer won't take anything through the CD-ROM drive ;_;...

Later my homiez ^_~

Edit: David said it best, I think. Review of ep. 1
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