Mar 13, 2004 20:04
So I am staying over at Kerry’s right now, its really nice. Last night we just hung out and talked for a really long time, then watched some TV. Mike Rennie came over and we all watched this movie Regarding Henry. It was really a touching movie. The guy had been shot in the head or something, and I guess once again in the chest. At first he was paralyzed and then he got the awesome physical therapist guy who helped him out. He was a wild guy, I really liked him. I thought it was neat because I am very interested in physical therapy, but I had never even considered rehabilitation for people with such extreme problems. Technically this guy was just a regular old PT, but he also helped Henry to talk, learn, remember, everything. It was awesome, and they became such good friends. Henry really relied on the PT. I kinda want to do that now, I am not so sure though, but its an option. That would make a real impact on people’s lives, and that’s what I really want to do.
I would like to first and foremost be a doctor, but recently I have been thinking and I want to impact people more than just fix their bones and muscles, although it seems like a lot of fun to me! Yeah I know, loser. But I also want to be involved with my patients, hence physical therapy. Even for people who just had surgery, hurt themselves or what next, those PT’s also have a really good time. I used to intern with some back home at Reston Hospital, maybe I will try and get a job there over the summer, now that would be cool. See if I could do it as a living.
This brings me to my real point. What am I gonna do over the summer! I have at least 4 possible jobs, all ones I have done consistently for the past 2-4 yrs. Ugh, but I think I need a change. I am thinking I will apply at the hospital for a job, or try my hand at serving again, or maybe get a personal training certification. I know the last one is a little out there, but I used to sub for kickboxing, and that’s a lot of fun. I dunno, but I am gonna need to make money. Its been driving me wild this semester not having a job, but actually I think its good because I have good grades, study all the time and have been very productive. A little too productive maybe, I haven’t had enough time for my friends and stuff. I need to start taking care of myself better too, I have kinda been a mess. But anyway, I am gonna start looking for summer jobs. Maybe ones that pay me more than $7 a hour for endless, demanding work.
Actually I should give more credit to my old jobs, they trained me to a T. And kept me fit, another thing I need to start working on that again! I was also thinking about possible jobs next year. I am counting on the RA thing with all my heart, because that would be the best job ever. My parents would love it, and they really need it right now. I had put on my application that I would not look for other employment, but that was a lie (oops, didn’t mean it). I thought about being a tutor in the library, because I went up there the other day and frankly they have it really easy. The guy I asked for help didn’t actually help me at all, which sucked, but I got to help this sweet girl who was in my class. I think I could do that. That or TA for maybe bio 100 or 101, chem. 111 or 112, or psych 100, but I wouldn’t do that until 2nd semester, because I think those jobs are already taken, an I would need to find out my whole schedule.
Quote of the Day:
“To err is human, to forgive id divine.”
-William Shakesp