Feb 22, 2004 19:49
This boys and girls in NOT the kind of question you want to ask yourself on a sunday morning. I asked poor Daniella, whose only reply was "Sweetie ,we need to have a talk." So my entire evening was TOLD to me. I have no recollection of the night, in all honesty I kinda thought it was a dream. Unfortunately it was not a dream, well actually I had a great time(so I hear).
So this is what happened:
Mags, Daniella, Jackie and I all hung out and took shots in Daniellas room before we were going to go out to Phi Sig. It was funny because the whole 17th floor was drinking, a first by the way;) So I had 6 shots of rum, two of vodka and was pretty set, but stupid me told maggie I still wasn't drunk enough to dance, so she gave me THREE MORE SHOTS of vodka. Total count- 11. This would be my last memory. The rest is a mix of me dancing with everyone, kissing like 3 guys, making out with one for a while, then I apparently did TWO ice luges because I couldn't decide which I wanted, all the while the girls along Kevin and Greg hanging onto me in fear of losing me. A lot of people were there, they saw me, but hey, I won't remember. I guess no one though I was that far gone because it wasn't until the walk back that I was stumbling/falling/dying.... Haha, no dying, oddly enough not even sick. No hangover, no puke, nothing. Stomach of steal baby. Kim the Tank.
But alas I did not acquire the name Kim the Tank, I acquired Kisses a lot Kim. Great. I swear Daniella Maggie and I laughed for hours today. Its a little frightening because VERY few people have seen me that drunk. 3 actually- You know who you are, yeah, happened again. It all start with dancing I swear. I bet I lost all respect, I am usually so good. Never again.
Maggie, Daniella, Jackie, Kevin, Greg- THANK YOU
*You're gonna make fun of me for a while huh?*
Quote of the day:
Magz3925: kim also did two ice luges
Magz3925: there were two chioces peach n peppermint, kim couldnt decide so she did both
"i didnt remember an ice luge"-Daniella
"i dont remember a frat..."-Kim