I've needed to fill a prescription that I've been carrying around since July. (sometimes I'm stubborn like that) Being that I wasn't at home, I never really know what to do. Mom suggested Wal-Mart. A flag appeared in my head and I instantly responded , "I'd rather do it at Target" as a result of the silent protest I have against Wal -Mart for reasons of which I am still unsure.
I also realized that Target recently implemented a
new bottle design that I was very excited to experience firsthand. (Thats right, I said experience. Not see, not touch. Experience.) I've become more and more aware of "design" as a field of study in the past few years and stuff like this gets me really excited. Pretty much, Target has solved all the world's prescription problems! I mean take a look--they've made the bottles much easier to read. Each family member has their own color so you never mix them up. Everything is uniform. It says on the back very specificly how and what to take each drug with. It even tells you what the pills should look like! On top of all that, its visually stimulating!!!!
I was so excited I carried it around in my purse for a bit. I was almost ready to whip it out and show my friends how cool it was--as if I'd gotten a great new watch or handbag--until I realized they'd all give me nervous stares. I could hear it in my head, "You know thats just a bottle, right?" "Ummm, why are you showing my your prescription?" "Freak."
"No!" I'd say, "Its design."