May 08, 2009 07:59
I just woke up from a very intense dream. The earliest I can remember is I was up on this bookshelf of sorts, going through all of these old magazines, some of which dated as far back as '97, and had Manson in them. Since I had lost most all of my belongings (in real life) two years prior, I decided I was going to go ahead and get each one of them, because I'm just that big of a fan, and old Manson was so raw and edgy. As I was up there, I had a few visitors crawl up to say hello and see what I was doing, the first I believe was dark Mark, but the second, you'll never believe this, was Bunny (Stephen Eachon) as in frontman to RITM. Apparently we were friends in my dream. Crazy.
After collecting all of my magazines, I scaled down the ladder to meet up with my friends again so we could finish venturing thru this megastore and pay off my debt for the magazine's. My circle of friends I was with happened to include Katie (from element a440), Jennifer Andres (someone from high school that I haven't seen in years, but recently spoke to on myspace) and Keegan...
As we were walking to check out, I had dropped a card from one of the magazine's, it was a holographic Manson trading card of sorts. but just as I noticed, someone else went to pick it up. Informing them that it was mine and I had just dropped it, they proceeded to tell me to fuck off. Thus, a fight insued. I began beating the living shit out of this girl, told my friends to grab my magazine's so as no one tries to take them, and eventually was on top of her choking her, till I noticed she was starting to turn blue. I got off and the 4 of us walked away as if I did nothing but defend my territory. I mean, she started it, so she got what she deserved right?
We proceeded to the check out, because we weren't bad people, we were honest and still wanted to pay for our mechandise. Katie had slightly helped me in the fight, so we were both kind of on edge while we were paying. The funny thing is, I remember the total coming to something like $120, and we paid in cash and pills. wtf? And she gave us some pills for change. Again, wtf?
Some security came into the little paying room, that was filled with all of the little knick knack's you never really need but end up buying because they're staring you in the face while waiting in line at the cash register, you know the stuff Catholic old ladies houses are filled with. Katie and I tried to sort of be incognito, looking at some rrandom shit, but they saw us, and told us to follow them out. I gave Keegan the eye, as if to say, 'go start the car' and he proceeded. Meanwhile, they escorted Katie and I outside, with no handcuffs or anything, morons. So shortly there after I started slacking behind in walking and gave Katie the nudge to do so as well. Then eventually, we turned in the other direction and ran!
We ran over the wall, through the parking lot, trying to find Keegan's car (which is odd because Keegan never drove a car once in his 30 years of life). I found Halo, Mandy and some other dude sitting in a car, and asked if they had seen Keegan, but to no avail. We continued running and the fucking cops caught up with us (they cheated, they were in cars).
And then I woke up to the sound of Dan rustling around in the bathroom. Fucking weird I say...