Some people you may or may not know had their rights violated this weekend and were met with the ends of billy clubs and flashlights, at the hands of several local law enforcement agents this past Saturday.
"The ACLU's client is the Bill of Rights, not any particular person or group. We defend its principles - basic rights of citizens - whenever these are threatened. We do not believe that you can pick and chose when to uphold rights. If a right can be taken away from one person, it can be taken away from anyone. When you deny a right to someone with whom you disagree, you pave the way for that right to be denied to yourself or someone whom you strongly support."
I know many of your are not "ravers" or may in fact have nothing but feelings of utter contempt for them, but you must put your personal issues aside, and realize what is at stake here, and that is all of OUR rights.
Thank you. Since I literally *just* made this, if you would like to read a long list of first hand accounts, you can do so by clicking on this link: Click to view