my thoughts on BTR "boyfriend" "music video" and the outtakes for the fountain photoshoot

Feb 04, 2011 22:15

ok, so i know that i rarely make posts, but i just have so many thoughts and they're all bouncing around in my head and demanding to be let out so i just have to so ignore or indulge my crazy lol

the music video...i don't even know where to start except for a general giant huh? and a 0_o?? before i start taking the piss out of this like crazy, let me first just say that i liked it well enough, it's just that i didn't understand it at all lol like the fact of why it had to take place in the future. i mean, it's a song about how they want to be the song listeners boyfriend what's wrong with placing it in the present? aren't the girls here good enough to be their beards? do they really need to travel to the future and hook up with skanky cougarish woman who may or may not be able to replicate themselves (james' girl) and who like to eat blue dog robots that jump out of questionable looking milkshakes (kendalls girl) so yeah, i completely don't understand the future concept of this video. again, not saying that i didn't like it, just saying that it made me feel like i was on a bad trip XD srsly i wouldn't be at all surprised if that milkshake was actually some futuristic hallucingen which made kendall think he saw a blue robot *nods* XD that also may or may not explain why james is suddenly with 2 of the same woman and they are outside under a tree 0_o?

and speaking of bad trips, that is about the only way that i can explain anything about this video, i believe that the boys are just kickin' back at carlos' huge 1.4 million dollar mansion smoking some of the good shit that logan brought over and now they're all passed out and laying in a naked dog pile on the floor in front of his fireplace in his master bedroom and they all have the same hallucinogenic dream where snoop invites them into the future where he introduces them to his posse of hoes who are just drooling at the possibility of getting their cougar claws into some fresh boyband meat, i hear that's a delicacy in 2099 ;P carlos gets scared so he crowds in next to logan who will protect him with his BAMFness. then they all wake up, realize they had the same trippy dream and proceed to go to work the next morning and tell whoever's in charge of making their music videos their awesome idea for "boyfriend" which whoever thinks is a great idea and proceeds to het it up sufficiently while adding some lulzy boyband dance moves and a couple more hoes just for flavor *nods* clearly this is how it happened, it's the only logical explaination ;P

which brings me to my next point which is if this takes place in 2099 then how is snoop even still alive unless he used his magical time travelingness to go into the future to do what? idk, i give up, i'm not even going to try and understand this video anymore XD yeah, i know, i know, it's just a music video, the song is what's important, who cares if the video makes sense XD

ok now onto all my snarky and very observational thoughts about the fountain photoshoot outtakes that can be found here

ok sit back and let me weave you a story or read my inane rambling through your fingers as you cover your eyes in horror idk which ;P so we've got a little something for everyone here, but mostly it's jogan and a general OT4ness so enjoy or not, this was really for my own benefit *shrug*

#1 james, please do the world a favor and just take off the shirt, it's practically see through anyway and kendalls' already volunteering to help you out of it so just go with it : D also kendall, i want to live in your dimples, damn boy! meanwhile logan is practising his swagger face for the camera ;P

#2 james' shirt continues to taunt me and show me that his body really is perfect, but never fear it looks like kendall has taken affirmative action in trying to remove it, or he just really wants to grab himself a couple of handfulls of james' awesome moobs, either option is perfectly ok with me :D carlos is also very intrigued by james' moobs and has to hold onto logans' shoulders for support while logan continues to practice his lady killer smile for the camera.

#3 kendall is ridiculously pleased with himself and will spend the remainder of the time at the opposite side of the group hanging onto carlos and just generally being adorable. james meanwhile curls in on himself and giggles like a school girl while logan has finally just noticed he is there and proceeds to stare at him with the same rapt attention he was giving the camera only moments earlier.

#4 james continues to be a tease and is still touching himself while logan has decided he also wants to be a tease and has revealed a tantalizing sliver of hipbone for display. oh boys, why must you torture me so? you're going to have to take the clothes off anyway so why not now?

#5 james thinks my pain is particularly funny as does logan while he stretches his shirt out so i can't see any definition :( how cruel

#7 james, logan and carlos are all looking at something off camera while kendalls' attention is completely on carlos and thinking that he should wear wet clothes more often

#8 james is giving the side eye to the hand reaching for logan while kendall is now busy watching water droplets slid down carlos' neck

#9 they all preceed to laugh at how ridiculously handsome they are

#12 logan and kendall are suddenly very interested in touching carlos. james is jealous he wants to touch caros too

#13 he instead grabs logan, buries his nose in his hair and inhales deeply while kendall decides to glomp carlos

#14 james continues to maintain a possessive hold on logan while kendall does the same to carlos

#15 james decides to be greedy and grabs carlos for himself while still keeping a hold on logan who is now bent over the edge of the fountain with a big grin plastered on his face 0_0 this about to get very interesting :DD kendall is sad that he's being left out of the OT4 fun :(

#16 james looks up and remembers that they're being photographed, but decides not to care as he carries on with his shenanigans while kendall remains pouty and dejected and logan remains pleased as peach pie that he's in his current position

#17 james: these are my boyfriends and yes i am going to debauch them right here and now, deal with it

#18 james proceeds to mount logan while using carlos to steady himself

#19 james has a moment of panic where he thinks he may get unseated, but...

#20 james: look ma! i did it! lol james really does look pleased with himself as he continues to mount logan and lean on his boys for support

also worthy of noting is why is kendalls' shirt the only one that isn't the least bit see through hmm..? i am disapoint boys 0_o 

ot4 ftw, epic gay love, clearly i'm awesome, i may be a genius, crack, brb going to hell, dies from cuteness, omg!, fangirling is exhausting, i love my brain, btrlicious, hott, yay, oh boys, yum, i crack myself up, funny, btr, gay is great!, i am so fucked up, jogan, aww they love each other, naughty

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