Aug 21, 2010 21:06

ok so upon my second viewing i've managed to write some notes on everything that amused me ok so here we go. these may be slightly out of order b/c i wrote all over my page and now i don't remember the order sooo.....

when the boys are in gustavos office imagining themselves on stage kendall does a mini hip thrust like the one he does in the opening credits and he thrusts his hips towards james XD

the dog cones will never cease to amuse me XD "look at you fans not each other not your feet"

i love all the epic shenanigns that happen on stage during their dance montage, actually i love all the montages in this show <3

i swear james saying his underwears gone is my new favorite quote by him. also i'm sure his pants felt much better afterward *nods* but he didn't have to buton his shirt back up : \ and i totally saw that he did the elvis knee swivel thing <3

my god kendall! i didn't know you were that bendy! i expect this to be taken advantage of in the future over and over and over XD

yes kendall hiding's not gonna solve anything if ya know what i mean *wink* *wink* and kendall using hockey terms to give the others a pep talk awww <3

fan preparedness training <3 1% of fandom being crazy, yep that's pretty much true in every fandom, no one can escape the crazies lol

mama knights spit take <3 katie was such an awesome little future mafia leader, she really outdid herself : D

the boys harmonizing while running <3

i love the running gag with hawk and his "caws" this time he added 2 caws, but i agree with accent woman the 1 caw is better *cracks up*

omg kendall!? why are you wearing a pink hoodie????!!!!!! idek srsly wtf?! i really like kendall in blue or stripes though *nods*

ooohhhh new song! yay! and boybands moves! why they warm my heart idek *epic face palm*

i don't know why i found fruit baskets funny but it made me lol

ok now for the dreaded kiss *shudders* they looked like they fell on each others lips and didn't know how to get off these boys know how to get off just not with girls lmao XD camilles goodbye was so much better XDD <3 but i liked that jo grabbed his shirt and pulled him in, i'm a fan of shirt grabbing ; )

i wonder how else kendall's gotten lucky in that parking lot lol ; )

i like meteorman's tights, fake muscles and underwear *snorts* oh carlos you're so precious <3

lol at doctor!dude and hockey!boy

gustavo and his tiny teacups amuse me greatly XD

james's dad HOMG!

lol at the rockwoods *snorts*

ok so in my head canon kendall first runs out of the room not to go see jo, but to go find an empty closet and then logan sees what kendall is doing so he runs after him in the pretense of going after camille, but he instead goes to find kendall and they have sexy times *nods* then they go back to the palmwoods to see their beards. clearly this is what happened clearly *nods*

lol at carlos trying to fly <3

guitar dude's DUH DUH DUH!!!!

james's pad looks like something a gay bachelor would want...oh wait a minute XDD

james?!! you got rid of swirly! how very dare you! there were good times to be had on that slide shame shhhuuunnnnnnnn *waggles finger at you*

i love the hot towel gags <3

peewee hockey players!!!!! awww <3

poor james : ( his lips are perfectly fine without any digital enhancement, but still lol at fake lips and fake vocals b/c to me the voice on the track sounded like a girls XDDD *snorts* i love how he touches his lips whenever they're mentioned <3

all hail zoreblonk! lol at the zac efron look alike *snorts*

when kendall and jo are plastering the town with posters they look more like siblings and bffs than boyfriend and girlfriend *shakes head at them*

camille: "they put a circuit in my brain and told me to watch big time rush!" XDDD <3

yummy bondage boys *drool*

lol at carlos wanting to get chased by girls, sure you do, ok *nods* i'll believe you XDD

i love sebastian's masterpiece theater accent : )

all the man hugs and fist bumps were total <3

a line in the song "famous" is "the camera's on and it never lies" *snorts* boys you should listen to the lyrics of your own songs the camera never lies around them, but it always has a fabulous coughing fit after filming them b/c it swallows so many sparkles XDDD

but i like sweaty!kendall and james on stage yum! *fans self* and sweaty james also looks the same that i would expect fully debauched james to look like all sweaty and flsuhed *drools*

doing one of the NY montages i swear they got hotdogs which are very phallic foods and toasted each other with them <3

in a couple of the behind the scenes there is shirtless kendall and his arms are very distracting logan thinks so too as he stares lustfully at them

ok i think that's all and just FYI kendall loves unicorn sneezes b/c they're rainbow sparkles and kendall has told us that he takes a shower every morning so i personally think he takes a shower of sparkles aka unicorn sneezes *nods* 

fangirling is exhausting, kendall loves unicorn sneezes, btr

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