Jun 09, 2009 14:10

THIS IS GOLD! srsly this is so very amusing to me :D

while i was taking an online test i noticed a test for "is your man guy?" in the sidebar so of course i had to pretend i was elta (which i will be calling danneel from now on because it is her name) and i wanted to see if my man was gay ;D i tried my best to be her and the results definitely bring the lulz :D

Your man is really in touch with his feminine side

We're not saying your man is gay; we're just saying he might be gay. Maybe he's the consummate metrosexual or maybe the signs point to the fact that there is something he's not telling you -- like the fact that he likes men. At the heart of the matter, it appears your man enjoys some stereotypically "gay" things -- maybe it's ABBA or pink shirts, The Birdcage or cross-stitching or even Broadway. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, you probably want to explore the fact that you and your man really aren't a match made in heaven. If you've had your suspicions, it's time to bring them up. While it's a great thing to have something in common with your significant other, your love of the same sex probably shouldn't be that "thing." And did we mention your sex life sucks?

lofuckingl "pink shirts" metrosexual and sex lives sucking, yeah that sounds about right ;D oh boys even random interent tests know you're completely gay for each other, way to be subtle *epic fail* *facepalm*

epic gay love, oh boys, oh jensen, *facepalm*

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