it's all a mystery, locked out without a key

May 26, 2009 17:14

Well a lot's changed since I last posted, I've watched the whole of How I Met Your Mother, which is awesome2, changed my layout and icons and discovered that my phone dances when it vibrates.
I've also nearly finished reading Vampirates: Black Heart, which sucks plotwise as it's all about Grace and Connor being little Beryls (i refuse to accept that she's called Renesmee, so whenever I say Beryl I mean the freaky baby from Breaking Dawn), but apart from that Grace is as annoying and creepy as ever, I now hate Lorcan and Darcy rules the universe (she's totally vampire!chuck) as always. Meanwhile Cate and Bart get to be all couple-y and cute (btw i totally love how she and Cheng Li don't actually hate each other), and i freaking love Connor for this: "Grace, you've completely lost your sense of reality. OK, so the Vampirates rescued you from drowning. They did a good thing there, no question. But that isn't enough for you, is it? No, you have to go and make friends with them! And now you want to be a family too? It's not normal, Grace. It's weird. Deeply, horribly weird."
AT LAST SOMEONE SPEAKS SENSE ABOUT GRACE AND HER CREEPY OBSESSIONS. seriously. making out we a dead guy you thought was your dad is just wrong.
But it's half term so I won't turn this into rant about how much I loathe Grace Tempest and her icky-squicky thoughts, instead I'll focus on the askjg;ahd mystery reveal currently brewing in Ashes to Ashes. For those who don't spend each each week eagerly awaiting 9:00pm on Mondays like I do I'll fill you in: one of the beloved a-team has been led astray by Martin Summers, Alex's timetravelling stalker who's creepy-ness rivals that of Edward Cullen, Stalker Supremo. Alex Drake, the main character, she's been shot in 2008, transported back to the 80s and must get back for her (probably dead if the Supertheory is to be believed) daughter's birthday. It's unlikely Alex is teh evil one mainly because she's so opposed to corruption, and also because Summers actually refers to her by name in his Creepy Stalker Blog.
Gene Hunt, second banana, is supposedly a figment of first Sam then Alex's imagination, but now Alex is pondering the possibility that he's real. It's probably not Gene, again because he hates corruption and would kick ol' Marty's head in if he knew the full extent of his stalkerishness (he freaking watches her sleep, eww...)
Ray, the tough guy and another figment. It could be Ray, seriously all the signs point to him, but that's kinda why I don't think it is him, it's just a little too obvious,  but I could be proven wrong.
Chris, the tin dog (again he's supposed to be imaginary), oh god i swear it's gonna be Chris, which sucks kabootle because omg i love him and it would break Shaz's adorable little heart! But yeah it's totally Chris or at least some serious sauce goes down at his and Shaz's wedding.Shaz, the one who doesn't really do much but everyone still loves them(she might be imaginary too but i'm still convinced she's got a bigger part to play), it's either Shaz or Chris or Viv, seriously. But I'd say she's last on the probability scales, purely because she somewhat lacks a motive and MS says on his CSB that his 'pet' is a him. But man those are some dodgy looking photos of her with the wedding dress and the gun. Also has ayone else noticed that she's doesn't stop Chris from beating Ray up in the preveiws, idk it just seems a little ooc seeing as she's meant to be the moral compass of the group.

And thus concludes my crazy post about crazy tv shows about crazy people.

ETA: btw i'm thinking of changig the name of my journal, so any ideas would be welcome, something song-quotey like what i've got now.

book: vampirates, tv: ashes to ashes, tv: how i met your mother

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