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May 26, 2010 16:19

profile meme

Character Name Draco Malfoy
Canon Harry Potter
Point Taken from Canon Around the middle of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, when Draco's still in the process of repairing the Vanishing Cabinet.

Age 16
Gender male
Sexual Orientation bisexual, despite his father's disapproval

Eye Colour grey
Hair Colour platinum blond
Height roughly 6 feet, or 182 cm
Other He's incredibly thin, largely due to stresses put on him in his sixth year. Previous athleticism means that he has some muscle, but is largely skin and bones, to hyperbolise somewhat.
Clothing Being of the Air Shire, he dresses very well, a physical manifestation of his appreciation for the finer things in life. He loves the fashion, as much as it reminds him of his father, and can usually be found in a white button down with a black waistcoat and matching trousers, and a pair of black riding boots. Generally, in terms of accessories, he will choose to don pocket watches, gloves, or a walking stick reminiscent of his father's.

Draco is the only son of a well-known pureblood wizarding family, the Malfoys; since birth, he has been told that purebloods are the best type of person to be, and that he's lucky he is one. He's had the best of everything since he was young, and has no intention of changing that anytime soon, even at the expense of everyone around him; his parents spoiled him absolutely rotten, his mother even going so far as to nix the idea of him being sent to Durmstrang - a wizarding school more well known for a tolerance of the Dark Arts - to keep her beloved son close to home.

As such, he was sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where it becomes more obvious that people either like him or hate him immediately: he first meets Harry Potter, unaware of who he is, when shopping for school robes, only to instantly offend the other boy with a lengthy speech criticising a professor. The animosity created between the two of them only grew throughout their school years to come.

In his first year at Hogwarts, he was sorted into Slytherin, a house that his entire family before him - both on his mother's and his father's side - had been sorted into; the house's traits showed through him right from the beginning when he challenged Potter to a midnight duel, choosing not to show up, and opting instead to report Potter's lack of respect for the school curfew to the custodian. He continued similar occurrences of this behaviour throughout the remainder of the year, as well as in years to come.

His family's true influence showed in his second year at school, when Draco made his house Quidditch team as Seeker; it's relatively obvious that he bought his way onto the team, despite having some level of skill at the game. Shortly after, he was nearly hexed after insulting Hermione Granger in defense of himself - his family pride and bigotry shining through, he continues to call her a mudblood and to insult her at any opportunity. Later, when the Chamber of Secrets is opened for the first time in years, Draco expresses an interest in assisting the Heir of Slytherin, despite not knowing who it is; this is hardly a surprise to some, based on how tightly linked the Malfoy family is with the Dark Lord.

Draco's third year at Hogwarts begins rather eventfully, with a supposed Dementor attack on Potter, which he takes every opportunity to mock, despite his own fears of the creatures. Some of Draco’s most obvious traits - his loyalty to family and his willingness to say anything to further himself - begin to rear their ugly heads even more in his third year at Hogwarts than in previous years; it’s during this year that, due to his own mistakes, he gets injured by a Hippogriff. Despite the incident obviously being his own fault, though, he calls upon his father to solve the matter in a method that Draco prefers: he eventually gets the creature slated for execution. It’s through this simple act - along with his overdramatic melodrama following the break of his arm - that it’s visible to everyone exactly how far he’s willing to take his blood status and his family name to get what he wants.

He also takes the time to continually provoke negative reactions out of his classmates in a number of ways, something that continues through his fourth year; one such incident is the Quidditch World Cup, where he antagonises the trio during the Death Eater attack on the location. He kept up with the animosity by supporting Cedric Diggory, the other Hogwarts Champion in the Triwizard Tournament, and by spreading slander to a reporter covering the event. It was during this year that he was turned into a ferret following an attempted hex, a memory that haunts him to this day.

Early in his life, Draco is also guilty of being one of many Slytherins enamoured with the idea of being a Death Eater - the attack on the Quidditch Cup early in his fourth year gave him no reason to open his eyes to the negative connotations of the occupation. Instead, he simply became more enamoured with the idea of being one; the fact that he was not only safe from the attack due to his father’s pull with the group and could terrorise Potter and his friends merely proved to him that he was on the right side of the impending war, and that was a fact he wasn’t about to change for the time being.

Being on the right side of the war - or so he believed - gave him even more reason to flaunt his brand new Prefect status in his fifth year. It was yet another thing of the elite to add to his lengthy list, and something he was compelled to demonstrate at every moment he was able. Draco proved himself to be a self-proclaimed dictator of the school, taking house points from anyone and everyone he could as Slytherin Prefect - a fact he never fails to mention. His ego was further fueled when he became a member of the even-higher ranked Inquisitorial Squad, formed under Professor Umbridge; now armed with the ability to go anywhere and do anything, he took every opportunity to flaunt his new power by even going so far as to take house points away because he ‘[didn’t] like’ one of his classmates.

It wasn’t until later that year that what was initially described by most as simple animosity became proper hate: with Draco’s father and main role model being sent off to Azkaban for a likely life sentence, he was now forced to stand on his own two feet and take over where his father left off. This caused him to not only see Harry Potter as a rival anymore, but an enemy in every sense of the term; Draco was now to step into his father’s shoes as a Death Eater, standing tall against the Boy Who Lived.

Despite his obvious inabilities to handle the occupation, Draco continued to boast to his friends about this new-found fact and his new Dark Mark; however, in private, he proved to be weaker than anticipated, often disbelieving in his own capabilities to go through with the mission he had been given. Unbeknownst to Draco, it is at this time that his mother and Severus Snape make an Unbreakable Vow that, should Draco fail, Snape will take his place. It’s easy to assume that he continues with his attempts due to personal pride, but it’s more likely than not that his loyalty to his family is the primary reason; Draco’s tendency to either care deeply for something or care nothing about it is deeply affected by his love for his family. They still remain one of the few things he will properly risk his life for - the threat of death towards his parents should he prove incapable of killing Dumbledore drives him more than even his personal pride to complete his mission. In addition to keeping him motivated, his loyalty pulls him out of the spotlight he so loved, as well as driving him away from the Quidditch team, both of which were once outlets for him to let out anything he needed to.

Throughout the year, he focuses largely on completing his task, spending a great deal of time fixing a broken Vanishing Cabinet up in the Room of Requirement. Twice, he found himself nervewracked about his abilities to bring the Death Eaters in via Vanishing Cabinet, instead choosing to rely on failed attempts at assassination with both a cursed necklace and a poison-laced bottle of mead. It's throughout this year that stress begins to affect Draco to a greater extent than ever before, causing him to drift away from his 'friends' and rely on otherworldly words of wisdom from Moaning Myrtle.

Being a pureblood, Draco has an innate disdain towards anyone not of his 'stature,' so to speak, to the point that he'll talk back to almost anyone, regardless of their rank. He's a rather unapproachable individual - by choice, of course - and tends to shun those he deems lower than him; he's an elitist bully who cares little for those around him, choosing instead to focus on his own needs before anyone else's. The only exception to this is his family, with whom his loyalty lies more than any other.

An offshoot of Draco's bullying is a continual stream of insults directed at Hermione Granger and any other who happens to be a Muggle-born witch or wizard, such as Potter's parents. Anyone he believes to be lower than him in any way, shape or fom - from bloodline to general intellect - is likely to be at the wrong end of his sharp tongue and biting wit. A similar notion is explored through the idea of his incessant bullying of others around him - he lets out pent up emotion by taking it out on others, as well as relieving his personal insecurities. Well aware that others are better than him, but unwilling to admit it to himself, Draco belittles those he believes to have superior skills in any way, as a way to ruin their self-esteem in hopes that he will be able to take their place back at the top of things. He feels that his family bloodline and wealth both entitle him to a plethora of things high above anyone else; he continually boasts about his father's influence, using his name to get himself certain privileges. Despite this, he's nothing more than a coward who flees at the first sign of trouble - he tends to talk himself into fights, only to run the moment a wand is brought out.

In his sixth year, his personality changes somewhat - while the more notable traits are still obvious, he becomes much more quiet and withdrawn. He's obviously worried about his mission, to the point of being unsure most of the time as to whether or not he can pull it off; he pushes forward despite his better judgement to pull out completely and run away. The idea of his family getting punished for his inabilities scares him to death, thereby driving him to insist that he must complete the mission, even though he's been reduced to a terrified little boy.

In the past, he had a small group of those he thought to be loyal to him - Crabbe and Goyle, to name a few - but in recent times, he finds himself relatively alone in his plights. To say the least, it makes Draco a vulnerable sort, very unwilling to trust at first, but once a person gets onto his good side, they stay there forever. He is a very loyal person, trusting the few he does fully, and with his life.

Draco is a highly intelligent individual, placed in Slytherin largely due to his cleverness and his cunning. He takes in small bits of information and figures out the larger picture based off of those minute facts; he also can manipulate certain situations with words alone.

In terms of magic, he's a very skilled individual, with abilities covering a number of topics, from Occlumency - which he learned from his aunt Bellatrix - to Transfiguration. Despite not enjoying his time at Hogwarts, he spends it well, mastering many non-verbal spells in addition to proving a proficiency of potions of all kinds; his intelligence and obvious proficiency at most magic also prove him to be a quick study - he learns things easily, mastering them quickly provided he studies enough.

As far as physical abilities go, he's rather lithe, proving nearly useless in a physical fight; he can likely do little more than deliver a swift punch (which would probably injure him more than the opponent). He prefers to get others to do his fighting for him

Affection Draco treats most people with a great deal of disdain if he thinks they're beneath him. He tends to approach people as if they are below him, treating what he considers to be stupid questions with the stupid answers they deserve. If you can get past his crisp exterior, or you impress him to some extent, the likelihood of him enjoying your company is far higher. He isn't the type to easily make friends.

In terms of true and proper affection, he prefers flings to actual relationships. He isn't afraid to approach either males or females, provided they adore him appropriately, and provided they keep it a rather well-known secret. His family, were they to find out, would disapprove highly of any sort of sexually deviant behaviour - because of this, he tends to simply keep people his dirty little secrets, so to speak. He's willing to use his sexuality to get anything out of people, particularly if he knows it will make them uncomfortable.

Fighting Draco prefers verbal battles to physical battles, largely due to his extreme cowardice and fear of getting injured. He also prefers magical battles to fist fights; anything that involves him potentially wrecking his face makes him lean towards the notion of getting someone else to do his dirty work for him. He's virtually unable to kill another human being, but won't hesitate to attempt to cause minor harm.

Other Facts Draco's family means the world to him - say anything about him, but leave his family out of it if you like your face the way it is. He has been known to enter a losing battle if it means protecting his family's dignity, or their lives, despite his usual cowardice. He's also very ticklish, but hates it when people try to test the theory, with few exceptions.

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