wow. so much 2 do lately. so little time. let's begin
+ English speech--we have 2 pretend to be MLK JR!! <3 fun fun!! lol due tues
+ history essay + ITGS paper- DIE AGAIN!!! lol due next thurs
+ french quiz/debates tomorrow
+ and AHH!! i need to raise my calc grade!
ahhh...this is crazy! teachers don't know how to give u a break
but @ least i get my share of FUN and play!! Afterschool today i went to the mall w/aj then i got to talk to ashley on the way home : ) Sat i work..then i get to go to my little niece's bday @ chuck e cheese along w/my other 6 lil cousins!! <3 haha and on sunday i get 2 work w/the greatest girls ever. We are the ABC quartet!! haha <3
if anyone wants to do anything friday night..let me know!!
1.debating whether 2 go this year. yes, last year was a blast..but i'm not in the mood right'll have to take the whole weekend off of work= might get in trouble.
2. aj will take me to see a sunset @ the beach (i've been wantin 2 do that for a year now!!) then we will go out for a romantic dinner -also important..bc we haven't hung out in a while
but either way..i'll still have fun..homecoming game is the day b4 and halloween is 2 days after.