Mar 13, 2006 01:46
fun fun. i expected lots more ppl to come..but i guess the place was so huge that it just made it look like no one was there. so we took pics @ mote ranch-pics will b3 up soon on myspace..went to stonewood (had to wait an hour even though we had reservations) then we arrived fashionably late!! <3 very nice time. music could've been better and they could've dimmed a few lights! other than that, what a romantical, fun filled evening
so i had to wake up early :( went to a traditional wedding thing in the morning..and then to a reception @ 8. VERY FUN!!!!!!!! awesomeness!! fun games, good times, 11 course meal (of course..i was stuffed!), then i met a lot of ppl my age..that are ASIAN! haha i enjoyed it!
so all in all..i've had a very busy weekend
hw. hw. hw. history project. hw. hw. hw