I just took my German final. EXCELLENT! I didn't get an A but I did good enough to keep my A, I think.
I have English from 3:30-5:30. Then I get to DROP MY CAR OFF AT THE SHOP IN GWINNETT. Yes, that's right. Again. My engine is doing the scary rumble shake thing. I drove to Kennesaw and back just fine, and am happy that I did! Wednesday night was a fantastic one. Tyler was in class off and on all day so Debbi and I went to linner at Sweet Tomatoes! It was my first time there and it was tastyyy. I think my favorite part was the mocha mousse pudding. After our date we played Wii. Debbi is a great date! Later on Chelsea, Debbi and I made jello cubes for the first time. When Tyler was back from class we feasted over them. We ended up buying more jello to make more. They were intoxicatingly delicious. Tyler got to enjoy this "girls night" for quite a while until Rembrandt graced us with his presence! Jenn ended up over a few different times. AND I got to see Deator! Ohhh it had been so long! We pulled out the temporary tattoos. I still have an alien on my butt cheek. All of us bonded even stronger that night. Especially Chelsea and I! :D She is way awesome! Tyler and I went back to his place later on and chatted by the window before bed. I was all wrapped up in his comforter feeling all warm and bubbled over with love ^.^ And so, it was one of my favorite nights! (and it was also the 7 month mark for him and I!)
Some kids from German met for a study session Thursday night after I got off of work. It ended up being me and 5 boys which made me be myself, haha. They shared poop stories, talked about bogus sex positions, showed off a gross Rammstein video you can watch
here, and the artist of the group kept drawing weird dicks on the white board. We also learned German-related things! It was a ton of fun. I miss having people to hang out with on week nights!
I also miss Elliott. He stayed at home under the care of my mother. I miss him running around my room and getting into everything and climbing up my pants when I snap my fingers :] I get to see him tonight when I drop off my car! Yay!
Tyler is coming over tomorrooooow when I am back in Dahlonega! I'll be driving the super hot pearl 2 door Stratus RT with 5 foot long blind spots! OH GOD but the sound system is INCREDIBLE.
This English final is going to be grueling.