Keep your heart, Three Stacks.

Jul 05, 2008 09:46

I never expected the 4th of July to be as fun as it was. I was really only expecting video games. It was a pleasant surprise. I got so many priceless pictures--many of which cannot be put on facebook because of the lack of clothing or other irregularities. :D
List o' people: Tyler, Corbsies, Seb, Sam, Sophie, Debbi, Kevin, Alexander, Eric, Collen, Andy, and Mattzilla.
Those people are like family to me. I am so glad we're all so close and comfortable with each other--it makes for wonderfully fun times.
Tyler, Corbin and I ate at Waffle House after leaving Andy's this morning at about 8:30am...ughh, so early. We all got vanilla coke and it was good. My stomach wasn't quite ready for food but hashbrowns happened anyway. After that Tyler had to take Corbin home and then drive back to Kennesaw :( that's always sad.
My Aunt Teresa and Uncle Jonathan from Marietta are coming over at 1pm along with my cousin Ashley. Zach can't come :( boooo. We have a cold stone cake made by yours truly to eat after lunch. Mmmmm. Caramel turtleeeeeeeee.

(12:04:40 PM) rockyourheadband: there are firework carcasses everywhere in the front yard
(12:04:45 PM) rockyourheadband: it was bumpin last night

(10:52:58 AM) krautbox: i love that part so muuuuuc
(10:53:00 AM) krautbox: hy
(10:53:05 AM) krautbox: damnit!
(10:53:17 AM) krautbox: typing are jetzt fail

Anyway--my friends are the shit.

4th of july, tyler, corbin, family, andy, eric

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