Jun 29, 2008 19:47
I am in Ohio with no internet and no entertainment. I think I’m going to journal in Microsoft Word to amuse myself for a short while. Maybe I’ll post it on live journal? Eh..I might as well. We arrived yesterday after leaving the house at 6:09am. I slept in the car for 5.5 hours and stayed awake reading/day dreaming the other 2.5 hours. We got to my Grandma’s house before 3pm. We did our rounds of hugs and brought the luggage in.. and then the typical Ohio stuff commenced. I sat and read a book, “The Rise and Fall of a Jamaican Don” and they talked about stupid meaningless things. For example: an entire conversation about the twisty rods on blinds, big dogs vs. little dogs, racist comments, comparing the Sidney, OH newspaper with the L’ville newspaper. I mean… come oooon! I hate small talk as it is, and I am surrounded by the stupidest conversations ever. We ate dinner, such conversations continued. After dinner I sat down to play Sudoku. Oooohh yeah (I had finished my mobster book). All I was looking forward to all night was the phone call from my dad that would hold the key to dial up access. He was going to get a number for me online that I had to write somewhere that would make dialup magically work. He called me at 11:30pm (he is on California time) and he broke the news that AT&T doesn’t have any local access numbers in Ohio. That just means-no internet for Heidi. It honestly made me sad. Like…really sad. I have not felt such sadness from a petty thing in a long time. I was texting Tyler about the issue and he made me feel better and then called me before I went to bed. It completely lifted my spirits hearing from him. We talked for an hour and it didn’t feel like it at alllllll! I was surprised. Then I went to sleep. I had a terrifying dream about zombies. Tyler rescued me from them though, so it’s okay. Now here I am this morning….on day 2. I don’t know what is happening today but I’m sure I’ll be seeing some sort of family, aunts and cousins probably. Most of them are Mormon, by the way. Now that I am older and have opinions about religion and politics [I think] I’m pretty passionate against Mormonism so I feel [kind of] awkward in front of them remembering that they believe in a bunch of bullshit and read an edited copy of the Bible. I should go shower-I am getting offensive and honest. -11:38AM