Just a few random things. In re: my flailing around about not being sure how I feel about Occupy Wall Street got tidied up quite nicely by (oddly) the
Planet Money podcast about the movement, in which they explain it's more about having a forum than being or asking for anything specific. (It's also a great exercise in what difference a
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I got my assignment for dwsanta this morning, and I'm... really looking forward to it. Somehow the person I got assigned to prompted something I very nearly prompted. Which means things were meant to be. Provided I can figure out how to write it. Also, I really need to do more work on my pulped_fictions entry... we should have a write-in or something soon.
I would really like to see OWS, actually. Occupy Chicago seems to be all about punching police officers and breaking my bicycle, but more and more I'm kind of enamoured with the way the OWS forum is operated. The human mic system is especially endearing. Even if it doesn't turn out to be ultimately useful as a protest, it's definitely a fascinating social experiment.
The very fact that you have that attitude means that you will do less harm and more good on average than most of the teachers I ever had. (Also, having looked at all those teaching programs in the Chicago area two years ago, I felt sympathy and amusement and deep waves of agreement during your account. Screw UofC... Northwestern seems to have it together, though.)
But anyway, I am certainly not suggesting you abandoning your dreams. Lots of luck with proceeding. You already have your essay topic, what with your passionate questions about digital media! (I am sure that the admissions council has somewhat longer attention span and more nuanced outlook than the random people who get stuck on fair night duty.)
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