And my head will throb like an old wound reopening

Apr 23, 2011 23:03

Lots of things today, guys, lots of things! I got up this morning and made a run to the hardware store so I could finally clean my bike chain properly. I've had the current bike (the one I cannot name, for fear I'll destroy it (though it does have a special secret name)) for almost a year now and I've only ever done a little bit of spit and polish here and there, and the weekly bit of chain grease because I'm a bikey-noob and don't know what I'm doing. The state of the gears and chain was getting to be a bit embarrassing (to the point that I was afraid of taking it in to the shop for other things), and to be honest I wasn't entirely sure how people managed to get their chains and everything actually clean. I could only assume that most people just didn't ride over sand and slush and dust on their way to work, and that dark black impenetrable grime was just a fact of life. But, armed with several towels (now partially destroyed), a can of aerosolized lubricant, and "The King is Dead" (which has finally grown on me) I managed to clean my way through 10 months of grease. And now... now it glides along like it's brand new. And I'm in love with it all over again.

Just in time, too, because the weather today was gorgeous. And there was a Junip concert up at the Empty Bottle, and even though the wind was exactly against me it still only took an hour to get there. The crowd was one of the chattiest I've been in in a long time, and it took until about halfway through the set for people to really shut up and pay attention. Which is a shame, because they were excellent. I'm not sure I expected Jose Gonzalez to sound the same in person, but he does. It's awesome. I totally recommend seeing them if you get the chance.

All of this with a stupid migraine. But psh, migraine. I only feel like I'm going to die periodically so it's not that bad.

Oh, right, and there was also the Doctor Who premier... Which, I don't have a whole lot to say about right now, except... Mr. Moffat, look. I promise I'll still respect you if you go a couple of episodes without killing The Doctor and/or Rory. Really. (Also whinewhine I watch Doctor Who for fun whinewhine stop being so relentlessly serious and let me laugh at you whinewhine entitlement whine.) Also lol Nixon what?

concert, velocipede

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