A Game!

Sep 18, 2010 19:28

Finally, I have a full weekend to work with! And by work I mean... not work at all. As such, I have done basically nothing today, and this is good.

A good part of Friday was actually spent fanmixing (link does not include mp3s, but if you'd like them, all you have to do is ask). It turns out what I need to do is set out to do one thing (which was "Illogical Songs that Would Drive Sherlock Holmes Crazy"), and then eventually a list of songs for something entirely unrelated will sketch itself out in my notes instead. In fact, other than the Solar System Mix (which originally included some extra-playlist material in the form of MC Hawking songs), all of the fanmixes are made entirely from songs that happened to be on my iPod during lunch on Friday, while I sat in the shadow of the Chase building and laughed silently to myself about things like Moriarty bouncing around to Succexy in his socks, giggling about calling Sherlock, in someone else's apartment while they were strapped to a bomb. (That thing about me and inappropriate public laughter? Still a problem.)

On a related note, I am tired of all of my music, my "play things only once a month" playlist is down to 41 songs and I don't want to listen to them, I have a bunch of spare emusic downloads lying around for this month, and it's still another couple of weeks before my Sufjan Stevens preorder pays off in the form of mp3s. So, I'll ask my approximately bi-yearly question: What should I be listening to right now? I'll take anything, honestly. I mean, today I discovered that I actually kind of like Florence + the Machine... something I figured out after everyone else in the world. Dunno how I managed that, but it happens. Either that, or I wasn't properly prepared for this kind of music until after Hazards of Love convinced me that maybe My Brightest Diamond was worth listening to. I've never been very good at music sung by girls. (Okay, I like Dog Days Are Over, but some of the tail end of Lungs is kind of too... whatever the word for that constant forward momentum of polished earnestness in pop music is. Like if it rolls forward with enough of a wall of sound-and-vocals and is mastered loud enough the emotion will be there. There probably isn't a word for that, but that's what it is. Makes me feel vaguely like I'm being manipulated. Also, I apologize for feeling like I have to qualify I every statement I make about any artist that's been on the VMAs because otherwise I can't be a proper hipster anymore and no one will respect my obscure and ironic taste in music.)

If that wasn't enough run-on sentences strung together and you're still hanging in here: I have a random idea that's been lurking in the corners of my brain pestering me at inopportune moments, so, for my benefit and yours, I am kicking it out into the ether to fend for itself. Simply put: a bunch of unrelated heroes get together for a swingers party to trade their sidekicks out for a week. I... admit that I have a bit of a thing for crossovers and exploring the nature of 'secondary' characters and putting people in universes they don't belong in, but I'm sure it'd lead to some quality adventure. (And I say 'hero' here not necessarily in the 'super' sense. We all know which pair I have in mind, because John Watson paired up with Fox Mulder or something would be just as fun. His fascination with eccentric brilliance would probably be mitigated into morbid curiosity.) It's certainly nothing I can do by myself because, let's face it, if I manage to put down more than a thousand words in a month we're doing really well. So, anyone want to have fun with this with me? I'll take a hero, you take a hero, we throw a bunch of sidekicks in a hat, see what we end up with. Doesn't have to be anything major, or even anything made of words, but... well, I'm just throwing it out there. (And I mean, look at my example. I am obviously incapable of thinking outside of the Holmes/Watson archetype at the moment. My alternate comparison was going to be Watson and House, I mean... give my brain some exercise here, since I'm obviously too out of shape for leaping mental fences at the moment. My only excuse is that I only recently started to think about how Holmesian Mulder and Scully were, so they're still in the wrong box in my brain's file system.)

my fling with sherlock, music

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