Oct 17, 2004 21:36
I thought playing Marine would be loads of fun.
So i dropped my joint and picked up a gun.
They trained and abused me for 8 whole damn months.
When the dust all settled i'd become a machine gunner grunt.
From my rack to Iraq in just 60 days flat.
My mind hadn't shattered, but it might have just cracked.
The sheer force and the violence of our unwelcomed stay.
Makes you have to live your life day by damned day.
The bombs explode just when you think you're safe.
Missing beer and sex makes my ass chafe.
All the things i'd be doing with my freedom right now.
I'd find a way to do it all, i don't give a fuck how.
So i raise my glass of hot water to you Mr. Bush.
You told the Marine Corps well to fuck me in the tush.