capt_americaRandom: there is a movie coming out soon...
Theme: comicbook fandom community
Bio: For fans of Captain America, old & new
Comic_ArtRandom: posts are big
Theme: comicbook art
Bio: fans of comicbooks love the visual aspect sometimes more than the stories
Iconnage_ArtRandom: I wanted an icon community, dammit!
Theme: icon makers posting their work, nothing excluded so long as it follows de rules
Bio: kinda self·explanatory, right?
Answers_for_AllRandom: not knowing stuff is actually beneficial
Theme: there are no stupid questions
Bio: Big fan of the random question communities when I first came to livejournal so I made one too
Anything_PinkRandom: oddly my least favorite color
Theme: ...guess...
Bio: really have no idea what inspired this
End_of_de_WorldRandom: don't be depressed cuz the ride is over
Theme: Discussions of various end of the world scenarios, prophecies, etc.
Bio: At some point or other the world is going to end. Discuss.
mighty_avengersRandom: again, there are related movies coming out soon
Theme: The Marvel Universe's mightiest heroes
Bio: Fans of the Avengers, no matter which team or era
usa_de_quirkyRandom: things have kinda died down but I'd love to get them going again
Theme: Oh beautiful, for spacious...
Bio: American themed political discussion & humor
Silly_ReligionRandom: God must have a sense of humor...It made us after all
Theme: a place for serious and ludicrous relgious sharing
Bio: This community doesn't support any one religion, we're not about that! Despite what you may think from the appearance of the place this is not a Satanic community.
Video_EmbeddingRandom: originally made this comm just for the links
Theme: for people that love video embedding sites / NWS...sorta kinda maybe...ish
Bio: You are welcome to post vids to this community if you join. Adult content or not, nothing needs to be behind an LJ·cut unless its multiples...and you really don't need to do that.
WeirdfolksRandom: Weird: unearthly or mysterious, Folks: people in general
Theme: all the wacky stuff that can be found online
Bio: On the plus side, if one of you demented geniuses gets a workable idea for world domination...this is the place to drum up your minions of evil!!