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The·Dreamscape, &
Weirdfolks 7:57 PM 9/10/06 · Since I've been on livejournal I've been a member of 1 little dream analysis community but I recently found another one; vaguely tempted to make one now that I think about it. I like them because they're kinda cozy and it seems a nice thing to read every so often.
That and it'd be nice to think that someone could tell me what mine mean.
Nice but unlikely.
Most of my experiences on the Dreamscape are really fucked up...pardon my French.
Before I get into this, a couple things: my parents separated, and eventually divorced roundabout between when I was 14 - till about my mid 20's; I'm 35 now. That just seemed kinda relevant.
Having little to do most of this past weekend, I spent a lot of it asleep. It's an oddity to my occasional bouts with insomnia but I can normally goto sleep just about anytime I want. Having next to no life helps. There were a whole slew of dreams overall but it was the Sunday between 2p and 7:35p that stuck with me.
It kinda started with pirates. There were several initially but it eventually came down to just the two on this sinking yet not entirely sunken vessel. There was also an alligator making the rounds, which may seem strange as they're not common to oceanic situations but it's been known to happen; I remember at the time, seeing it swim by, that it seemed funny to see one in the ocean. I've no idea if we were close to shore or way out but even though the ship was with the deck mostly sumerged that the water wasn't taking us in.
Excepting on the pirates, one was a bit more sunk than the other though it seemed we were all standing on the same level. I was thinking that the water took them in only so far as well they were doing, the deeper sunk not doing as well as the other. Both pirates had the usual levels of piratey accoutraments but there was something rather distinct about them...
...they both looked like my Dad.
I rather think that all the pirates, starting out, did too but it finally came down to these. The last two were the toughest, one a scoundrel and the other rather nicely humored. Weapons drawn but they weren't doing anything but exchanging words...don't recall what. Their words were the assaults tey were launching back and forth and I somehow got it into my head that my approval or disproval of the content of that character was what was determining the victor.
Eventually the scoundrel went under, presumedly to the reptiles' snack menu, and the one with the good humor turned to me and I woke up. I was in a boat, headed to the shore where my parents, Sister, and I were vacationing. While I'm pretty sure I didn't do what he did, the pirate walked up and merged with Dad and then settled in nicely.
It's not unusual for me to have dreams within dreams.
There bits more, though the family has vacationed in Barbados this looked more like Hawaii where we haven't all been. Least not together. There was seemingly more conversation between the pirate and I, not through Dad but I could hear and chat with him all the same. Bits about settling into this new life and some things concerning Mom. It was all very polite and nice.
It was my cellphone's little warning sound for being low on power that woke me up for real. I lay there and tossed it around in my head for a bit but couldn't for the life of me figure out where that had come from. Which isn't unusual...this was one of my saner dreams.