11:02 PM 12/30/09 · So, the current apocalypse scheduled is the whole Mayan Calendar dealio. If you've somehow not heard of this it basically details that on December 21st (tragically 4 days shy of XMAS) 2012 some unspecified and vague thing will destroy the human race.
There's a lot of debate on this, what with the whole unknown aspect. but that's basically it.
However, we now have a backup doomsday scenario. Don't you feel lucky? If this one thing doesn't kill us there's yet another thing on the horizon set to do us all in.
We are living in special times.
I've just learned on the FOX Evening News, known the world over *cough* for being a bastion *cough* of reliable *cough* news, that a giant asteroid some 900 meters in length is set to slam into the planet Earth (that's where we are) in the year 2036.
Actually, this sounds kinda familiar. Not movie familiar, as that would be silly, but from some more credible source like Nova or the History Channel.
Okay, there ya go. The human race is now guaranteed to die in 2012...or 2036.
Either works.
You can now go back to whatever you were doing.
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