2:37 PM 9/20/09 · Saturday evening I went to a comedy show at the Nob Hill Masonic Center with
Stuberyl and her hyperkinetic cousin. The show was for Patton Oswalt, who I had to look up on Wikipedia to figure out who he was. Turns out he's someone I was already familiar with from King of Queens and I've seen him on The Comedy Network a couple times...
...although for some odd reason I couldn't keep his name in my head. Had
Stuberyl remind me more than a few times yesterday.
Woke up this morning and it's stuck in there just fine now.
Go figure.
There were 2 comedians before him. The first was Bret (something with a W) and Kyle (something with a K or C). Brent was funny but in a dragged out sort of way. His the punchlines to his jokes came after quite a bit of buildup. He did fairly good impressions though, not so much people as accents. Kyle was a constant laughter train.
Patton was not what I was expected. While I have seen him The Comedy Network I've never really paid him much attention. Knowing him from the TV series he was on I kinda had him set in my head the way the character there was. He's nothing like that whiney little thing though. He was fun. Stuff on religion, his weight, sex jokes, politics...
...good times.
Only tricky part of the evening came back around to
Stuberyl when I asked her what she thought of the show. She wouldn't tell me because, as she put it, she was worried how I'd use her answer against her. WTF?!? I was watching her during the performance, a wide range of silent appreciation and big toothy grins, so I know she had a good time. I just asked because it's the kinda thing I do when I see anything with someone else.
To talk about it.
Use it against her? Where does that even come from??