ganked from journalgems

Aug 25, 2009 11:34

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1. What was the funniest thing that happened in the last week?
Happened a few minutes ago actually. I'd loaded my plate up with speghetti and Mom asked where I was going to put the turkey loaf so I just put my fork next to the pile of pasta to slide it over...and accidentally shoved it all off my plate. Without missing a beat, Mom informed me I should never tell anyone that we were related.
2. What has saddened you in the last week?
The sudden realization that I had less Cheerios then I'd previously thought.
3. What has made you angry in the last week?
fairly anger free actually
4. What has frustrated you in the last week?
I'm not sure I should say...there could be children reading this.
5. What has made you uncomfortable in the last week?
The usual TV night shenanigans, tickling the Holy Hell out of
Stuberyl and her occasionally managing to pin me in such a way that I'm less than thrilled with...for a bit. I usually wiggle free pretty quick.
6. What has surprised you in the last week?
To find that shortly after breaking up with me
Laura had deleted both her livejournal and myspace accounts...with I took personally
7. What made you smile this last week?
so many things, I'm easily amused


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