the original 345

Jul 27, 2009 12:50

12:36 AM 7/25/09 · So I was originally dopple before I was
EvilGrins and though the account is all but dead...I can still access some of its features. One of the first things I did, after the account got nuked, was to skim for those I read the most often and add them to my current one...

...but I didn't get them all.

Decided to do this post just so I could check over this list and see who I didn't get back then and see if they're still active and up for adding. Been a few years so it's hard to tell for sure, people change, but thought it might be worth a try.

0vary, __epiphany, __papertiara, _abbey_, _alleycat_, _darth_vader_, _im_okay_, _kidcharlemagne, _latex_love_, _ninja_fetus_, _redcorvette, _spankz_, a_device, a_n_a_n_d_i, aberrantdarla, acristis, akuma13, allah_sulu, almus, alternarchy, amelia_g, angelsurfer, angelysicons, angstysquee, apneatic, aria_star, artodd1, artsykitten, aurora_lamour, avygrrl, azyuna, babsbunny, bad_kitty_aly, badkitty1782, beastandshlong, bec76, bella_morr, biancasboudoir, blablabla1345, blackstitchdoll, blackthornglade, blackwidowsweb, blargblarg, blayzebright, bleu_femme, blkryder, bloodkittens, bojo427, bonniebiteme, bornof_thenight, bound_up_doll, brandeks, braydz, bridgetester, bunnidarling, bunny_bread, burningblue, caomai, caprine, catwoman69y2k, ceaderwin, chalepa_ta_kala, chaoswolf, cherry_minx, chershey, chuckdarwin, cindarella, cobaltmoonchild, coiled_metal, comic_book_nerd, conglacio, contrarilywise, corganbutt, cyndi_333, dagmarian, daphaknee, dariajun, dark_romantic, dddacs, delascabezas, delilahbrat, depine1pssets, dionysoscub, disquietingmuse, dktm, doitall, dopple_penis, doux_devisager, dreamervictoria, dreki_kyttn, eclipsedesoleil, eicnan, elantriell, encanto_secrets, envy009, erisreg, erosense, evenstardreams, evil_budgie, evilfen, extra_nos, fall1ng_further, feignedsolace, feistyfairie, ferociouskitten, fiery_pants, filmchick85, filthylinen, forrestblack, free_n_lovely, freedom1, freekgurrl, frellingbored, fuckin_lotto, fuckinghostile, furctionary, fuufairy, fxck______, garden_of_stars, gcat, geecat, gemineye42, general_zod, genuine_snark, georgeanne, gigglingheretic, girl007, gnowun, gothic_goddess, groovitude, gwarskitty, haha_wtf, hal__9000, hamsterhotep, havplenty4u, heathercosmo, hekitiinaru, hellloooonurse, hentai_titties, herefox, hereviltwin, hoperomantic, i_am_winterborn, iamaglassoftea, itybity_rose, ivinylfetishi, ivory__isis, ivy_red, ivyblue, jademurasaki, jaelynkitten, jannylynn, jason42070, jedimaster_yoda, jennae, jerkworthy, jessi42069, jijikat, juicy69, julymale, k18, kalahara, kaorii_niiht, karina, karlito1984, keven_ugly, kheper, killermars, kinky_passion, kisaka, korndra, kornia, kraftygal, kukukisakuku, kumimonster, lajollashine, laughingstone, leolovesvegas, libertylad, lil_fatty, lokiz_mom, lonewolfalpha77, madfuzziness, maeghanne, malice_bd, marianne_angel, marleygata, melaniebknyc, messy_stench, metalgarurumon, miaryann, mib_khan, minorexceptions, minxy_baby, mirist, misdev, miss_aveline, misscon, mistralmadriiax, mistressbly, mistressdomiana, mizcrank, mp3_4_free, mschatelaine, msicenhour, mystra, natasha10582, naughtynymph, neoplasm, nijawood, nokturnaldream, nothinsacrednic, obi_have, ohyes_i_will, omghi2furries, omniguy, ordinary_sin, paige_hanlon, pandapounce, peacegirl1960s, perforation, pervykitten, photonutz, piscesophelia, pissedfemale, pixie_bleu, pixiepixie, pizzalisa, playgirl, poisoned_onyx, popjunky, pornaholic, poutyshorty, presidentnixon, prikaza, process_x, prokrstn8r, psirenpsong, pucciekkatt79, punkingirl, punkinstar, punkythecat, qilora, qthuny, queen_mecha, rabbitron, rackstraw, rain_kitty, rainiedaewomyn, random_dwunk, random_friends, ravendunpeal, realitydaytrip, redback, rgvdude, rikki5050, roadrage_karlie, rodshark, romy, roon, ruethee, ryogavee, sachikitsune, sad_little_scar, sadistika, said_wednesday, sausage_boy, sbullockrulz, scrambled_jane, scryre, secretboogie, seekeroftruth00, selfamused, semkoed, senr, seville, sexii_lil_brit, sfbikerskin, shady_darby, shannihilation, siestrion, silverfoxwolf, sinisher, sissystck, sithvixen, skeletalsexgang, snowowl, sorchaf, sparkleblsm, spideyrocks2005, spiggycat, star_skipper, steendaddy, stevedietgoedde, stupid_princess, sugarmonkey, surf_at_sunset, sweetterrig, szandora, tainted1, tallula97, taoalphac, tassypink, teensieweensie, tequila_love, texxgadget, tha_truth_hurtz, the_crossroads, theduckisback, themurdinator, thewingsofisis, thunder24, tigerlily_meow, tigerrbenson, tomahto, tomytronic, totalbombshell, urvividstarlet, useacoathanger, utenasama, vehona, velasco, velvetkitten, velvetnsatin, vexierspiegel, victoriabug, vivycakes, voluptous_sub, wackdaddy, wagondog, waitress_paige, whittles, x6jaylynn9x, xaznpersuaznx, xbella_kissx, xlisa, xnewxwonderx, xxslowfuckxx, yautja_theide, yendi, yowazzup, yresim, zille, zodarzone, & zyzzyxzyyxy

At the point I'm typing this up I can't say for sure how many of these accounts are still active. Won't know for sure until I post it.


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